From limited edition fine art prints to large volume runs, Jamm offers a full range of printing techniques. Our clients range from internationally renowned art galleries and global charities, to small local organisations. And whether the job is a simple single colour leaflet or a full colour brochure with a spectrum of special colours, on non-standard stocks, the same attention to detail is applied.
From the beginning, environmental issues have been important to us. We recommend printing on recycled stocks and source the most suitable from all the ranges available. We print using inks manufactured from vegetable oils, using digitally imaged plates (requiring minimal processing).
Wherever possible we select the most energy efficient processes to produce each job, without compromising the quality of the finished article. One size doesn't fit all. To us, each project is unique. For this reason we don't have a set price list, but we do understand how to operate within tight budgets to produce the best possible quality print efficiently and economically. To discuss your job, either send us an email or phone 020 8331 7200 and ask for Liz.